Small Groups
Join or Start a Small Group
Joining a Small Group is an important step in our Summit Next Steps. You can view our Summit Next Steps by clicking HERE.
Gather weekly in community to grow spiritually and live on mission together.
God has designed his people, the church, to live in community (Acts 2). Even God Himself is the perfect example of communion in his eternal Triune nature. We have been created in the image of God, the Imago Dei, and God has called us into community with others and with himself. Romans 12:9-13 gives us an example of what this community should look like: it should be spiritual, joyful, patient, prayerful, caring, loving of others, serving those in need, and hospitable.
42 All the believers devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching, and to fellowship, and to sharing in meals (including the Lord’s Supper), and to prayer. 43 A deep sense of awe came over them all, and the apostles performed many miraculous signs and wonders.
44 And all the believers met together in one place and shared everything they had. 45 They sold their property and possessions and shared the money with those in need. 46 They worshiped together at the Temple each day, met in homes for the Lord’s Supper, and shared their meals with great joy and generosity— 47 all the while praising God and enjoying the goodwill of all the people. And each day the Lord added to their fellowship those who were being saved. – ACTS 2:42-47
Groups meet in various homes or online over zoom throughout our area to build community, grow in and live out their faith, and experience fellowship with one another. If you need help finding a Group fill out the form below and Jake will be in contact with you soon.
Don’t see a group that speaks to you, but you feel led to start a group of your own? That is great! Fill out the form below and Jake will be in contact with you soon.
Our Open Small Groups

Summit Christian Friends
2nd and 4th Saturdays of the month: 7:00pm @Summit Church
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Gender: Men/Women Welcome
Life Stage: All
Primary Contact: Carolyn Hunter
We meet on the 2nd and 4th Saturdays of the month at 7 pm at Summit Church, immediately following the Saturday night worship service, for fellowship, food, and a group study/discussion time. We also get together for various other events such as hiking, concerts, and other activities to spend time with one another. This group consists of primarily divorced and/or single members, but anyone is welcome who wants to join our group.

Covenant Group
Wednesdays: 6:30pm at various group members' homes
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Gender: Men/Women Welcome
Life Stage: All, Married
Primary Contact: Jean Van Sickle
We meet every Wednesday evening for a couple of hours to talk about readings in the Bible, other contemporary books, and encourage each other in prayer and fellowship. We’ve been meeting with more or less the same 11-13 folks (over 55) since 2014. Leadership of the weekly discussion rotates with the host in their home with light snacks.

Tillers of the Soil
Thursdays: 8:00am @Summit Church
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Gender: Men and Women Welcome
Life Stage: All
Primary Contact: Duane Heidenreich
We are not limited to any age group, but we are mostly retired men (we often have a woman join us). We meet for a combination of fellowship and study. We meet once a week on Thursday at 8 a.m. for about an hour. Members of the group take turns leading the discussion of the book we are currently studying. We always welcome new members. Once a month, on the first Thursday, we go to a restaurant for breakfast, currently at 7:30 a.m. We are a group that is very open to all points of view and might be considered liberal, though we welcome all.

After 9 Discussion Group
Sundays: 10:30am @Summit Church
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Gender: Men/Women Welcome
Life Stage: All
Primary Contact: Ray Wilson
We meet in Room 204 following the 9:00 am service on Sunday. We discuss the content of the sermon and how it relates to our lives. Discussions range from theological backgrounds and Biblical sources covered in the sermon to practical applications in our lives, sometimes referring to the Meditation Moments provided for the week.
The group meets both in-person and on Zoom, as best fits the participants.
Many group members are retired, but that certainly isn’t required. Being both comfortable with and stimulated by discussion of the sermon and its implications for our lives are important characteristics.
Group members are from a variety of life stages.
Anyone is welcome to visit to see if we provide productive discussion for their needs.

Sacred Sisters
Wednesdays: 9:00am @Summit Church
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Gender: Women
Life Stage: All
Primary Contact: Virginia Martin
We meet every Wednesday from 9am – 11am. We open with prayer and share GOD sightings. We then watch a DVD and read Scripture that is relevant to the video. We go over discussion questions and finish with prayer requests and closing prayer. Our members are in all stages of life, and we would love to have you join our Sacred Sisters Small Group.

Promise Keepers
Tuesdays: 8:00am @Summit Church & Zoom
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Life Stage: All
Primary Contact: Ed Dudley
We meet each Tuesday morning at 7am (both in-person at Summit and via Zoom) for breakfast cereal, coffee, fellowship, discussion, and prayer. Most of our men are over 50 but men of every age are welcome. We alternate studies by reading a contemporary Christian book and then by studying a book of the Bible together. We typically have 10 to 14 guys at each meeting with plenty of room for more. We meet together to encourage one another as we grow closer to God and closer to each other. Our goals are to help men become stronger in their faith, to grow deeper in their relationship with God, and to become better men, fathers, sons, grandfathers, brothers, and friends.

Soul Sisters
Every other Wednesday: 6:00pm @Durango West II & Zoom
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Gender: Women
Life Stage: All
Primary Contact: Kate Sawyer
We strive to meet every other week while knowing sometimes that life happens. We start by checking in with each other, sharing our “high-low-buffalo’s” for the week, open up in prayer, then dive into discussion around the book we’re reading. Our meetings usually last between 1-2 hours. This small group is open to women or female-identifying peeps who want to connect, feel supported, pray with and over each other, and encourage to live a life for intimately connected to God and the promises he has laid out for us.
Our group is currently made up of women in their 20’s – 40’s but had someone in their 50’s who had to bow out for family reasons. We don’t care if you are single/dating, married, widowed or divorced – we don’t discriminate :).