Have you ever had the audacity (willingness to take bold risks) within your faith journey? Curious as to what that might even mean? We hope that you and a friend will join us for the 2024 Summit Church Women’s Retreat to learn more about your Holy Audacity. This year’s retreat, we are welcoming a guest speaker, Dee Ford, who will be sharing great insight on this topic. The retreat is open to ages 18 and up. Lodging and meals provided. We look forward to seeing you at the retreat weekend tailored just for you and supporting you in growing your confidence in your faith journey. Please register by Sept 1st, 2024 and be sure to include your email as all retreat communication is completed via email. If you are in need of a scholarship to attend, please do not hesitate to let us know. If you have any questions regarding the retreat, please do not hesitate to contact Angelia at mcdangelia@gmail.com or at (970) 749-9893.
Click Here to register for the Women’s Retreat. This is a new registration process and it will take a couple of extra (easy!) steps the first time you use it. If you have any trouble, let us know and we’re happy to help!