After 9 Discussion Group


Day: Sunday

Location: Summit Church

Gender: Men/Women Welcome

Life Stage: All

This group is OPEN to new members. If you would like to join, please contact Jake Forsythe, our Next Steps Director, at

About After 9 Discussion Group

We meet in the Wesley Parlor following the 9:00 am service on Sunday.  We discuss the content of the sermon and how it relates to our lives.  Discussions range from theological backgrounds and Biblical sources covered in the sermon to practical applications in our lives, sometimes referring to the Meditation Moments provided for the week. 

The group meets both in-person and on Zoom, as best fits the participants. 

Many group members are retired, but that certainly isn’t required.  Being both comfortable with and stimulated by discussion of the sermon and its implications for our lives are important characteristics.   

 Group members are from a variety of life stages. 

 Anyone is welcome to visit to see if we provide productive discussion for their needs. 


Every Sunday at 10:30 AM


Ray Wilson


Summit Church in the Wesley Parlor