Summit Next Steps

Where will your next step lead you?
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Our mission at Summit Church is to “Love God, Love Others, and Share the Good News” and our vision is to “Be Jesus Christ to the World.”  Have you ever thought about what that might look like for you personally?  Have you ever felt lost, stuck, or lacking a sense of direction in your spiritual journey? 

We want to encourage you to join us on this amazing journey as you get more connected here at Summit Church!  We invite you to spend some time exploring this page to learn about some great entry points and next steps for you to consider, no matter where you’re currently at on your spiritual journey.  Please take some time to review the options below to determine what might be the best entry point or next step for you.

Love God

(God Made You to Love You)

  • Realizing God made you to love you
  • Being before doing/Relationship with Jesus first
  • Spending quality time with God
    • Bible study, prayer, silence & solitude, Sabbath, self-examination, etc.
  • Worship (Weekend Experience and lifestyle of worship)
  • Baptism & Communion
Self-Reflection Questions:
  • How am I loving God currently?
  • Is my doing for Jesus flowing out of my being with Jesus?
  • Am I participating in worship regularly and implementing a lifestyle of worship?
  • Am I using spiritual practices like Bible study, prayer, silence & solitude, Sabbath, self-examination, or other spiritual practices regularly to grow closer to God?
  • Is this an area I need to take a next step?

If you would like to schedule a one-on-one meeting with our Next Steps Director, Jake Forsythe, to discern what your next step might be, please contact Jake at

Love Others

(God Made You for Community)

  • Intentional Community/Building Meaningful Relationships
  • Finding your people that you can do life and faith with
  • Recreation/ Similar Interests
    • Church Softball Teams, Golf, Hiking, Biking, Skiing, Pickleball, etc.
Self-Reflection Questions:
  • How am I building meaningful relationships and community with others?
  • Am I part of a small group or another kind of group that meets regularly to do life and faith together?
  • Do I participate in church events where I can meet new people and build new relationships?
  • Do I have a few close relationships that I would consider to be “my people” that I can walk with on this faith journey?
  • Is this an area I need to take a next step?

If you would like to schedule a one-on-one meeting with our Next Steps Director, Jake Forsythe, to discern what your next step might be, please contact Jake at

Share the Good News – Part 1

(God Made You to Serve)

Connect in Ministry

  • Serving  and blessing others at least once a month in a ministry of the church
    • Children, Youth, College, Young Adults, Caring Ministry, Worship, Technology Ministry, Creative Ministry, Guest Services/Hospitality, Leadership, Discipleship, Meals Ministry/Cooking, Admin/Office Support, Cleaning/Building Maintenance
  • Mentoring and investing in someone younger than yourself
Self-Reflection Questions:
  • How am I connecting in ministry and using my gifts to bless others at Summit?
  • Am I serving at least once a month in a ministry at Summit Church?
  • Am I mentoring and investing in someone younger than myself?
  • Have I discovered what my gifts and passions are that I can use here at Summit?
  • Is this an area I need to take a next step?

If you would like to schedule a one-on-one meeting with our Next Steps Director, Jake Forsythe, to discern what your next step might be, please contact Jake at

Share the Good News – Part 2

(God Made You to Share)

Connect on Mission

  • Sharing the Good News outside the walls of the church (B.L.E.S.S.)
  • Giving generously with your time and resources to help fulfill our mission
  • Click Here to access Summit’s Giving portal
  • Community Outreach Events/ Serving others in the community
  • Supporting missions and/or participating in missions
    • Guatemala, Kenya, Native Hope (Ministry to the Navajo Reservation), Youth Mission Trips
Self-Reflection Questions:
  • Am I sharing the Good News with others in my sphere of influence using the B.L.E.S.S. principles of: Begin with Prayer, Listen, Eat, Serve, Share?
  • Am I participating in community outreach events in the community through Summit?
  • Am I giving generously with my time and resources?
  • Am I supporting missions financially and/or through my participation?
  • Is this an area I need to take a next step?

If you would like to schedule a one-on-one meeting with our Next Steps Director, Jake Forsythe, to discern what your next step might be, please contact Jake at

Share the Good News – Part 3

(God Made You to Go)

Go! invite others!

  • We celebrate new people when they show up for one of our weekend experiences
  • We are building an “invite culture” at Summit and encourage everyone to be active participants in creating that culture
  • Instead of inviting people you know to “church”, try inviting them to an upcoming sermon series or a church event
  • We all have a part to play in inviting others into a relationship with Jesus, and it can be as simple as inviting someone to join you in the things you are involved in at Summit
Self-Reflection Questions:
  • How am I participating in the “invite culture” at Summit?
  • Am I inviting the people in my sphere of influence to upcoming sermon series or events that I think they would be interested in?
  • Do I look for opportunities to share my faith and invite others to experience what I have experienced?
  • Am I actively participating in the Great Commission of making disciples (Matthew 28)?
  • Is this an area I need to take a next step?

If you would like to schedule a one-on-one meeting with our Next Steps Director, Jake Forsythe, to discern what your next step might be, please contact Jake at

Acts 2:42-47

All the believers devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching, and to fellowship, and to sharing in meals (including the Lord’s Supper), and to prayer. A deep sense of awe came over them all, and the apostles performed many miraculous signs and wonders. And all the believers met together in one place and shared everything they had. They sold their property and possessions and shared the money with those in need. They worshiped together at the Temple each day, met in homes for the Lord’s Supper, and shared their meals with great joy and generosity—all the while praising God and enjoying the goodwill of all the people. And each day the Lord added to their fellowship those who were being saved.

Next Steps

Lots of Ways to Get Involved.


Caring Ministries



Small Groups

New Here

