Every once in a while some of our church members and staff get a phishing email that looks like it is from Pastor Jeff, or someone saying they are reaching out on his behalf, and they are looking for money or gift cards to help him out in specific situations. These are not real and Pastor Jeff, nor any of the church staff, will ever, ever send out an email looking for financial support. You can report it as spam if you want, but at the very least, DO NOT send any money. Again, Jeff nor the staff would ever send out an email or text message like this. You can always call the church office to confirm it is an attempt to get you to send money, but we can assure you it is not real.

Here are 3 things you can look for to verify that the email is or is not from a staff member at Summit Church:

1. No one on staff would ever solicit a donation of some type through an email.
2. No staff would need something of urgency through email.  If it was of urgency, a staff member would call you directly
3. All staff emails would come directly from “name”@summitdurango.org